public relationsSTRATEGY – To understand the marketing and communication objectives of the brand; to devise a strategy that achieves this objective, essentially reaching out to the proposed target audience |
– The fee for this service is dependent on our conversation. My first consultation is always free. All subsequent consultations are charged at AED 250 per hour

CONTENT – Researching and Creating original content tuned to the needs of the client depending on the strategy |
– The fee structure for this is as follows:
a: Press Releases – AED 200 (includes draft / revisions)
b: Case Studies – AED 1000 (includes research and draft / revisions)

EXECUTION – Coordinating with Media and all other necessary stakeholders to execute the tasks at hand, achieving the necessary outcome in line with strategy within an agreed timeline
– The fee structure for this is as follows:
a: Press Releases – AED 500 (only execution and follow up + reports)
b: Case Studies – AED 1500 (includes research, draft / revisions, execution and follow up + reports)